Monday, April 19, 2010

Rollie Pollie, walls are holey

I don't know why I bother taking vacation days. Not only do I not enjoy them because of the guilt of being away from the office, but I pay for it when I get back. When did I get a job that no one will do while I'm out? Oh, wait... that was ALWAYS. With a couple of exceptions.

When my mom passed away I was working in an office and was out for six weeks on FMLA, and it only took me about six minutes to get caught up when I returned. Now, I know God blessed me by putting me in a job where I was able to be out a month and a half with no guilt, but seriously, how important does that make one feel? Yeah, I was a vital cog in that wheel, let me tell you. When I quit, they didn't replace me. Shocking.

And when I took this job, I wanted a challenge. I wanted to feel needed. I wanted to be busy. Be careful what you wish for.

So I stayed late tonight to put out the big fires and saved the small ones for tomorrow.

And when I got home I christened my newly assembled treadmill with a very slow and painful 3.5 miles. I only burned 600 calories. So I'll have to stop eating or run three times a day.

But I seem to be developing more pronounced fat rolls. My muffin top seemed especially robust today. Granted, it could have been the excessive grease consumption this weekend, but geez.

I did make the decision to put my treadmill in my living room so that I'd actually use it. And yeah, you never see a house with exercise equipment near a sofa in "Architectural Digest," but since I live at the end of the Earth and I can actually count on seven fingers the number of people who've visited me in the past two years, I figure smaller thighs are worth bad decor.

So I lugged the treadmill through the hallway, around the chair, and knocked a hole in the wall. In my entry way. Lovely.

Oh well. It's not like anyone will see it. And I'll run my way through Kate Gosselin's torturous turn on "Dancing with the Stars." As Jen would say, it's like watching Granny dance. Only less amusing.

Overall, it was a productive day. I crossed a lot off the ol' to-do list. We hired a new staff member (hooray). I ran and tanned and did a load of laundry. And I even managed to find the time to buy new shoes and screw with LB. Figuratively, not literally.

And he totally started it.

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