Monday, March 15, 2010

Rock out with your clock out

Daylight Savings Time never fails to make me think of my mom. Each year, from "fall back" until "spring forward," she complained about the lack of daylight, constantly exclaiming "I hate this time!" Every. Single. Day.

And while my brother and I constantly mocked her incessant time change catch phrase, I never set my clocks up or back without thinking of her. And granted, I don't love the winter either. I hate it being dark when I leave the office. I stay tired. I don't, however, suffer from seasonal affective disorder. I don't suffer from deep depression and need light therapy. But it does mess with my psyche a bit.

So even though we lost an hour yesterday, I'm happy we're back on DST. Today, after returning from yet another trip to Hot Springs, I put on my running shoes and headed outside to run. And wow, even though I've been doing three miles on the treadmill four times a week, my 2.5 miles outside about killed me. Just in case you're wondering, a cold sweat doesn't just happen when you're nervous; it also happens when you're jogging in 50 degree weather.

But I did manage to get in 2.5 miles jogging and 1.5 miles of walking. Let's see if I manage to get out of bed in the morning.

1 comment:

Lori B said...

Yeah!!! So proud of you for the running dedication. You are da bomb!!!

Great memory of your mom and I can't imagine how much you miss her.

Keep posting - you make my whole day when you do!!